převodovka CA/KA

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Registrován: 10.01.2011, 20:37
Bydliště: České Budějovice

převodovka CA/KA

Příspěvek od zdenal »

Je nějaký rozdíl mezi CA/KA převodovkou kromě čidel a jiný příruby na motor? Myslím tím jestli nemá třeba delší kvalty nebo tak, a jestli jo tak která je lepší?
Příspěvky: 1935
Registrován: 04.09.2007, 16:32
Bydliště: Pardubice

Re: převodovka CA/KA

Příspěvek od DragonART »

Nevím jestli to nějak pomůže, ale SR (S14) je stejná jako CAčková.. :) jediný co je na nich jinak je přední zvon.

tohle se mi podařilo vyhrabat... http://www.240sxforums.com/forums/nissa ... tio-s.html

1st = 3.321
2nd= 1.902
3rd = 1.308
4th = 1.000 (Direct Drive)
5th = 0.759 (Over Drive)

Note: Dual/Double Synchro Ring 2nd Gear

S13 SR20DET's
1st = 3.321
2nd= 1.902
3rd = 1.308
4th = 1.000 (Direct Drive)
5th = 0.759 (Over Drive)

S14 SR20DET's
1st = 3.321
2nd= 1.902
3rd = 1.308
4th = 1.000 (Direct Drive)
5th = 0.838 (Over Drive)

Note: Dual/Double Synchro Ring 2nd & 3rd Gear

1st = 3.321
2nd= 1.902
3rd = 1.308
4th = 1.000 (Direct Drive)
5th = 0.838 (Over Drive)

Note: Dual/Double Synchro Ring 2nd & 3rd Gear

Euro CA18DET's
1st = 3.592
2nd= 2.057
3rd = 1.361
4th = 1.000 (Direct Drive)
5th = 0.821 (Over Drive)

Note: Dual/Double Synchro Ring 2nd Gear

KA24 4WD Trucks (Hardbody's/Frontiers)
1st = 3.985
2nd = 2.246
3rd = 1.415
4th = 1.000 (Direct Drive)
5th = 0.821 (Over Drive)

Note: All the Transmissions Listed are FS5W71C Transmissions.
- The Z31 300ZX also uses the FS5W71C Trans but it has the Same Specs as the KA Trans so don't worry about it.

ALL 240SX FD's are 4.083

S14 SR20DET FD's: Taken from the FSM
M/T = 3.692 (48/13)
A/T = 3.916 (47/12)

S15 SR20DET FD's:
M/T = 3.692 (HLSD)
A/T = 3.916 (VLSD - Same as S14)

All JDM 180SX CA Manual Trans Model's had a FD of 4.364 (Also Skyline GTS-T's)
- Gear Count: 48/11

All Euro 180SX Manual Trans Model's had a FD of 3.916 (Also J30's)
- Gear Count: 47/12

R32 & R33 GTR had a FD of 4.111
- Gear Count 37/9

00-01 Xterra V6 XE Front Diff had a FD of 4.364 (4.636 was Optional)
- All SE Model's had a Front FD of 4.636

02-04 Xterra XE's Front Diff had a FD of 4.636 (Only V6, no I4 Offered)
- All SE Model's had a front FD of 4.900

03-06 350Z Manual Trans Model's had a FD of 3.538
- All Auto Trans Model's had a FD of 3.357
- Same goes for 03-06 G35's

A tohle mi přišlo SZ... Ale není tu KA.
http://www.driftworks.com/forum/technic ... atios.html
1st: 3.321
2nd: 1.902
3rd: 1.308
4th: 1.000
5th: .838
Reverse: 3.382
Final Drive: 4.363 (outside of Europe!)
Final Drive: 3.916 (European)

SR20DET (5 speed)
1st: 3.321
2nd: 1.902
3rd: 1.308
4th: 1.000
5th: 0.759
Reverse : 3.382
Final Drive: 4.083 (S13)
Final Drive: 3.692 (S14 Manual)
Final Drive: 3.916 (S14 Auto)

1st: 3.321
2nd: 1.902
3rd: 1.308
4th: 1.000
5th: 0.759
Reverse: 3.636
final drive: 4.363

1st: 3.214
2nd: 1.925
3rd: 1.302
4th: 1.000
5th: 0.752
Reverse: 3.369
Final: 4.363

1st: 3.210
2nd: 1.930
3rd: 1.300
4th: 1.000
5th: 0.750

Final drive: 4.080 (NA Model)
Final Drive: 3.692 (TT Model)
SR20DET swapped RS13
2007-2011 CA18DET - stock
2011-2018 SR20DET - stock
2019-???? SR20DET - build