Máte někdo zkušenosti s levnýma excentrama? Zrovna se po nějakým ohlížím, potřebuju dát do laku firemní dodávku, tudíž bych potřeboval něco, co dobře padne do ruky a ta ruka mně z toho po půl hodině neupadne Jestli o nějaké dobré víte, tak šum sem s ní
Nechci do toho dávat nějaké velké peníze, hlavní je, aby to auto nevypadalo, že bylo broušený rukou na sucho. Zatím sem se díval na tuto http://www.rucni-naradi.cz/bosch-pex-220-a
Racing is something that most people will never understand. It's not just a sport or something to do on Saturday night.
It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The track is home away from home.
You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears.
Proto se ptám, jakou je lepší si vybrat :-) Když je Bosh šmejd, tak mně doporuč jinou
Racing is something that most people will never understand. It's not just a sport or something to do on Saturday night.
It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The track is home away from home.
You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears.
Woyta píše:Na obcasne pouziti dela celkem dobre veci Ferm.
Necekej zazrak ale funguji dobre.
Dík, podívám se po nich ;-)
Racing is something that most people will never understand. It's not just a sport or something to do on Saturday night.
It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The track is home away from home.
You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears.
mara_m píše:ja ti nevim jak moc budes ji pouzivat pokud malo tak si kup ten bosch ale jinak ji nebrat i tak cena vykon je bosch spatnej
No málo, fakt rekreačně. Chtěl bych do toho dát cca do 3 tisíc. A samozřejmě cena/výkon bych chtěl co možná nejlepší
Racing is something that most people will never understand. It's not just a sport or something to do on Saturday night.
It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The track is home away from home.
You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears.
Mně excentr přišel jako nejlepší volba na novej lak. Sem laik, tak jestli víš, jak to udělat levně a zároveň dobře, tak sem jedno velké ucho. S lakováním celýho auta zkušenosti nemám, zatím jenom nějaký jednotlivý díly (dveře, kapoty a tak)
Racing is something that most people will never understand. It's not just a sport or something to do on Saturday night.
It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The track is home away from home.
You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears.
mara_m píše:ja ze ekcentrika podbrusuje na jedne strane bere vic jak na druhe na laku to je pak videt lepsi je vybracni a nebo rucne
Super, tak se asi ještě podívám po nějaké té vibrační brusce, protože růčo už nikdy V 10 letech sem tak dělal favorita a to mi opravdu stačilo (mimo to, jak to vypadalo )
Racing is something that most people will never understand. It's not just a sport or something to do on Saturday night.
It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The track is home away from home.
You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears.
jinak starej poprasit cernym matem pak rozbrousit 150 papirem a kde ti zustane barva tak tam kitujes a dokola dokola
striknout plnicem a prebrousit pod vodou voda a malinko mydla v ni a 800 papir rucne prebrousit pak otrit hadrem a hura barvu
Na co posilku, když stačí vzít do ruky brusnej papír a přistavit dodávku Bych to brousil aspoň rok
Racing is something that most people will never understand. It's not just a sport or something to do on Saturday night.
It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The track is home away from home.
You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears.
jinak na obcasne brouseni ti staci ten ferm je za hubicku a a par aut obrousis pokud neco kvalitniho tak nejlepsi vybracka co jsem mel v ruce byla od hilty