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Apexi + vstřikovače
Napsal: 15.02.2008, 09:18
od Nyci
Potřebuju se zeptat jestli má někdo skušenosti s Apexi (taková ta krabička na ladění motoru) kam se to zapojuje a co se s tím dá všechno nastavovat. Vysvětlím problém. Potřeboval bych uplně změnit palivový mapy a předstih v daných otáčkách aby se to dalo jednošu měnit až do budem ladit na brzdě. A druhá věc potřeboval bych sehnat vstřikovače přesně s 2x větším průtokem. Dá se to vůbec sehnat? Kolik to asi stojí?
Napsal: 15.02.2008, 19:58
od speedy_s
Jakou krabičku od apexi myslíš? pokud Apexi Power FC Controler tak to je jenom pro ovládání jednotky Power FC
Napsal: 15.02.2008, 20:15
od Vita.z31
Nemyslis spis Apexi SAFC I/II/NEO? Vstrikovace s dvakrat vetsim prutokem?

To se prohnes

Reseni, kup bezne dostupy 444cc nebo mazdacky 460tky a regulator tlaku paliva.
Napsal: 15.02.2008, 20:24
od Vita.z31
Napsal: 15.02.2008, 21:15
od johny1
s apexi safc mozes upravit len pomer paliva, a ak ides instalovat 450cc vstreky tak by som radsej odporucil trosku lepsi management
apexi power fc je v podstate standalone management, cize seriove ecu mozes z auta vybrat, s power fc mozes upravit predzapal, palivo, startovanie, a z apexi boost controllerom mozes cez neho rovno kontrolovat boost, existuju ovela lepsie systemy ako power fc ale nieje to zly management
Napsal: 15.02.2008, 21:33
od remo
ja myslim ze sa bavime o Apexi NEO nie o SAFC
Napsal: 15.02.2008, 21:44
od Vita.z31
remo píše:ja myslim ze sa bavime o Apexi NEO nie o SAFC
Neo je pokracovani SAFCu neco jako III. Jo Power Fc je dobrej ale porizovaci cena je trochu jinde, navic ovladani je kurva slozite. Alepson v Cr s tim moc lidi zkusenosti nema. Se safcem ci neonem si muzes taky navolit vstriky(to je prekvapeni

), na dobre odlazeni motoru dostacujici, na detailni odlazeni uz horsi.
Napsal: 15.02.2008, 23:09
od johny1
neo a safc1 a safc2 je to iste, akurat neo ma farebny lcd, funkcie su v podstate rovnake
problem so systemami ako safc je ze safc meni signal s MAFu do ECU, a podla toho signalu ECU potom nastavuje pulsewidth trisiek, problem s touto metodou je ze podla MAFu ECU upravuje trisky a aj predzapal takze aj ked mas dobre pomer paliva, predzapal je tiez upraveny a v danej situacii nemusi byt optimalny
napr. das do auta o 25% vacsie trisky, upravis mapu cez safc o -25%, takze safc posiela signal do ecu ze o 25% menej vzduchu prechadza cez MAF aj ked to nieje pravda, ECU takto zmensi pulsewidth ale taktiez advancuje predzapal aj ked ty si nechcel predzapal posunut
dufam ze to dava zmysel...
Napsal: 15.02.2008, 23:25
od kenivruh
Dava. Moze to trochu vyriesit upravou volnobezneho predzapalu, ale to je len take ciastocne riesenie.
Napsal: 16.02.2008, 05:33
od Vita.z31
kenivruh píše:Dava. Moze to trochu vyriesit upravou volnobezneho predzapalu, ale to je len take ciastocne riesenie.
Nebo si porid Emanage, to predzapal umi
Napsal: 16.02.2008, 23:48
od Nyci
a co to Emanage umí. někde jsem se dočet že to jen upravuje ůdaje pro stávající řídící jednotku. To je naprd ne? a Kolik to stojí?
Napsal: 17.02.2008, 09:33
od blázen
Emenage nebude ideální řešení,,..ale použít se dá, umí a neumí tu je někde už psáno, nebo jsem to četl na jiném foru

Napsal: 17.02.2008, 10:01
od raddy
Nyci píše:a co to Emanage umí. někde jsem se dočet že to jen upravuje ůdaje pro stávající řídící jednotku. To je naprd ne? a Kolik to stojí?
dokaze to ovela viac ako ty dokazes vyuzit a naprd to rozhodne nie je. emanage ultimate je plne zrovnatelna so samostatnymi RJ.
Napsal: 17.02.2008, 12:03
od kenivruh
Jaj to si nemal napisat, ze je plne zrovnatelne so samostantonou RJ. to zase nedopadne dobre :-D
Napsal: 18.02.2008, 08:08
od raddy
nevidim v tom ziadny problem, pripadne nech kazdy napise co mu eventualne (teoreticky) chyba v emanage ultimate a kvoli comu by teda musel pouzit samostatnu rj:
e-Manage Utimate
The GReddy e-manage Ultimate is as close to a stand-alone management system as you can get while maintaining the best features of a "piggy-back" engine management; an economical price, the usage of existing sensors, the ability to easily alter factory settings and not having to tune from scratch. But unlike the original e-manage, the Ultimate is more refined, requiring specific application usage (which we are constantly adding application updates that you can download FREE via, Tech WebPages.) The benefit of this is, the included PC-based USB "Ultimate Support Tool" allows for even finer tuning capabilities, improved flexibility in fuel & ignition control and adds impressive data-logging qualities to make tuning quicker and easier. The increased number of input and output ports of the Ultimate, along with new built-in adapters add many new options to the unit. In addition to standard e-manage airflow-based adjustments, the Ultimate version includes new and upgraded features. The Parameter Set-up, tab menu format of the Ultimate has improved direct Map control for adding and subtracting Fuel and Ignition. The ability to switch between 2 preset tuning Maps (i.e. Street or Race program) via externally mounted toggle switches. There are Maps for Individual cylinder adjustment for both Fuel and Ignition. There are also options to convert injection and ignition systems (i.e. group or sequential injection and group or individual fire ignition.) An Airflow Output Map option even allows for airflow meter elimination. And when used with a wideband A/F Meter, the Air Fuel Target Map can self-tune an Injector base tuning Map, to speed up initial tuning. There are also built-in Boost, Rev and Speed Limiter-Cut features. To create super smooth operation, there are various fine tuning Correction Maps to adjust for Throttle Acceleration, Vehicle Speed, Water Temp, Intake Temp, Auto Trans Shift, Anti Engine Stall, and Idle. To further aid in tuning, e-manage Ultimate’s improved integrated Monitoring, Map Tracing and Datalogging features far exceed any other piggyback controller on the market. Even when not connected to the software, 8 channels of datalogging (at 20msec intervals) can be recorded and stored to be reviewed later. With the Support Tool connected, over 30 channels can be covered. Other new features include: Improved RPM recognition, Warning Settings, Password Protection for individual tuning Maps, NVCS (Nissan), VTEC (Honda), O2 Feed-back, Clean Fouled Plugs, and numerous others in future updates. Ideal for optimizing and fine-tuning for performance products like Exhaust, Air Intake, Intercoolers, Boost Controllers, and Turbochargers, the e-manage Ultimate fills the gaps between conventional piggyback and expensive stand-alone engine managements. All installation and tuning should only be made by a trained technician with proper air/fuel monitoring tools. (Some or all functions may not be compatible with some applications.)