„ At the begining I looked around and could not find quite a car I dreamed off. Small light-weight sports car which used power efficiently. So I decided to build it by myself“ Ferry Porsche
tak sem to procetl cele a mam takovy divny pocit "bezmoci", neschopnosti, no nevim jak to vyjadrit, kdyz vidim, co s tim udelal - ten clovek by mohl psat knizky o restaurovani aut...... MACHR =D> =D> =D>
i kdybych mel na to cas a penize, tak urcite nemam dovednosti a kdybych ty mel....................... tak uz sem si sve dvoukilo udelal
řeknu to tak kdybych nechodil do práce a měl na kontě pár desítek mega, tak si tak udělám každý auto, některé věci možná trochu hůř a některé třeba i líp, ale je na to potřeba čas a peníze
„ At the begining I looked around and could not find quite a car I dreamed off. Small light-weight sports car which used power efficiently. So I decided to build it by myself“ Ferry Porsche
„ At the begining I looked around and could not find quite a car I dreamed off. Small light-weight sports car which used power efficiently. So I decided to build it by myself“ Ferry Porsche