Greetings from SXOC Switzerland!

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Greetings from SXOC Switzerland!

Příspěvek od fallguz »


I hope most of you understand my english writing, because I don't unterstand anything written in here, sadly! (did I post in the correct forum?? ;) )

Some of you may know that we have a somewhat active Swiss 200sx community that can be found under . Most of you won't understand the site either since it's in german, but you can have a look at the gallery to see some pics of our rides. :)

I myself already drive my second 200sx S14, going by the english horsham tuning stages to make it usable on the track, autocross and mountain passes. :)

I hope some of you speak a bit of english and can help me on my questions:

1. I'm thinking of repainting my S14 in the summer. I heard that painting services for cars can be found alot cheaper in Czechia than in Switzerland.

( painting a car completely costs around 3500$ and more here!! )

Could somebody point me to a bodywork / painting garage in czechia which has some good offers for repainting cars? It would be best if it was close to the border, and not too far on the "other side" of the country. ;)

also, what kind of prices would I have to expect to completely repaint a car in Czechia, just exterior and door panels, not the engine compartment.

which brings me to my second question:

Is there something like a yearly SXOC.CZ meeting in czechia? If so, are alot of your members fluent in english? The reason I'm asking is because if I was to come to czechia for holiday anyway next summer, maybe there was a possiblity to attend a SXOC.CZ meeting (if there is one). :)

It would be nice to meet 200sx lovers from other countries!

I hope this thread is readable for some of you, and hope for some replies! Until then, best regards from Switzerland! :)


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Re: Greetings from SXOC Switzerland!

Příspěvek od blázen »

přeložit, přeložit :) že já se líp tu angličtinu neučil :cry:
superb 2004 1,9tdi chiped.. brzy k prodeji..

na dvoukilo seženu vše,vlastně skoro vše :-k
prodej ND nissan sunny 1,8gti B12
GO motorů CA18DET etc..
kontaktovat:736460675 0-24hod
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Příspěvek od raddy »

Hello Fallguz

Welcome on our forum. Yes, you are at right place :wink:

To your questions:

Yes, you are right, price here are much lower that in Switzerland, this is valid also for bodypaint work.
I can estimate price for complete painitng for about 1800USD in very good garage with warranty of high quality. It is just overall, you can find cheaper and also more expensive services....
Usually all work take about week.

Also, you can see here some of little bit more special paintings, like my car with H.R.Giger theme airbrush. (yes, THIS swiss artist 8) ). You can check it here:

We have meetings during summer, you are heartly welcome.

I will be glad to translate your posts for other users or provide information to you from our forum. We already have some interesting work done on our cars, so maybe you will find usefull informations for you.

And by the way, Im usually spent one week during summer in Switzerland, good time for meeteing too :wink: .

So, feel free to post here.


Příspěvek od fallguz »

Thanks for the kind welcoming and the offer to translate my posts! ;)

Since this first post is pretty huge i don't want you bothering translating it. However, since it seems some of you might not reply in english, it would be nice if you could translate what others replied in this or other of my posts so I get the full spectrum of information from your forum. :)

The H.R. Giger paintbrush is astonishing! Really well done, and it gives the car an alien-like touch. i like it. =)

Let me know if you come back to switzerland for holiday sometime - would be nice meeting a genuine Czech member of the sxoc. Most of our active members reside in the area around Zurich, and generally more in the german-speaking parts of Switzerland. We have a small meeting each wednesday, and numerous events during spring / summer.

About the whole painting thing and the planned holiday in general: We haven't really planned alot yet, it was just an idea and I thought I'd ask how some of you think about it.

To be honest - I'd even rather have a nice paintjob without warranty for even less, but I don't know what price ranges are available there. ;) Even the offered price is great for completely painting the car! Good to hear!

One more thing: I was actually planning on coming with an SXOC friend of mine who drives an S14a and perhaps would also like to repaint the car. Trouble is - we won't be able to stay for 2 weeks (since it takes 1 week to paint a car usually).

The idea was a trip for 1 week, and have both cars painted in that time. But I think we should be able to work something out when the date comes closer. So far the idea was to do it in the late summer, but we will see. :)

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Příspěvek od raddy »


Posted price is more like top end. You can have complete work for maybe half of it, but you must looking for good and cheap garage...

Im stay in Swiss for company training in Baar (just beside of Zug) for a week usually, but unfortunatelly without my car.

And, to be honest, Im not Czech, but Slovak, just next country of former CzechoSlovakia :oops:
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Re: Greetings from SXOC Switzerland!

Příspěvek od mrkevvzime »

blázen píše:přeložit, přeložit :) že já se líp tu angličtinu neučil :cry:
kratce - chce si nechat prestrikat auto u nich ve svicarsku je to pro ne pry drahe tak se pta kolik by to stalo tady
a jestli delame letni srazy, ze by rad prijel na cumendu
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Příspěvek od Martin_534 »

Wellcome here Allen,

Im not optimist like Raddy, painteners are very lazy persons (or they take more orders, then they can make it) and one week job, can take a month. But very good paintjob with warranty cost about 2000$
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Příspěvek od Gerox »


welcome far as I know a fully repaint job is aprox. around 60.000 is not the cheapest but I have seen cars done for that price by a certain garage...and they looked very well...should you be interested I can ask for details and maybe can get you some photos...

Příspěvek od fallguz »

ah, I think I'm starting to get the picture:

This "warranty" you speak of also includes a warranty of when the job is finished, then? or do they just assure you that the paintjob will be of good quality, and won't degrade in one year?

Of course it would be nice to get a decent paintjob for even less, but if chances are that the car won't be ready in time it would be disastrous! I'm employed, so I have a very limited amount of holidays... :(

Anyways, I'm really interested in first hand experience with these car painters, pictures of results and different price ranges with / without warranty.

I wouldn't usually get the idea to go to a foreign country to get a paintjob - but I heard that there are many garages who serve mainly german customers for big repairs and paintjobs. That made me wonder. :)

Thanks again for the info, keep it coming. :o
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Příspěvek od raddy »

When we speak about warranty, it mean warranty for good quality mainly.....more then for "law" warranty.
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Příspěvek od Kentoya »

kuci taky jsem z té angliny moc nepobral, su ještě stará škola, jestli můžu poprosit, uvádějte zkráceně česky překlad, díky moc
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Příspěvek od mrkevvzime »

Kentoya píše:kuci taky jsem z té angliny moc nepobral, su ještě stará škola, jestli můžu poprosit, uvádějte zkráceně česky překlad, díky moc
furt se mluvi o tom strikani auta
potrebuje to mit za tyden hotove, ze by tady byl na dovce a pak jel domu, protoze musi do prace
a pak se bavi o cene a kvalite a ted o zaruce coz on pochopil jako zaruku ze zakona, ale kuci mu rikaj ze je to o zaruce, ze to bude v dobry kvalite za ty prachy a ne ze je na to zaruka chapes ne :D
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Příspěvek od Kentoya »

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Příspěvek od Conrad »

Zda se mi to jako dobrý námět na téma .... tedy kdo máte zkušenosti s lakovnami pište sem. Já dával zatím křídlo zadní dveře + přední + zadní nárazník za 10 tmavě modrá metla.
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Příspěvek od Conrad »

I think that the price will be depend on colour what want to have mainly. If you choose metallic and in-deep refulgence colour it will be expensive like in your country because this colours are imported from abroad and it is expensive here too. May be works will be cheaper but no so enough. And if they find out that you are foreigner you’ll pay very similar price like in your country.

And about warranty …. it seems to me that Czech paint workers don’t want to give a warranty on plastic parts.

To the conclusion you can have paintwork for 1000E so also you can have paintwork for 2500E .