P zadni naprava R33 GTR
Re: P zadni naprava R33 GTR
It is better to live dangerously for 34 years than to be bored for 84 years. (Adelaide Siffert)
On the 7th day GOD created the RWD car just for fun!!
(O)=(O)/ 200SX . \(O)=(O)
Nippon Sangyo 200SX RS133
On the 7th day GOD created the RWD car just for fun!!
(O)=(O)/ 200SX . \(O)=(O)
Nippon Sangyo 200SX RS133
Re: P zadni naprava R33 GTR
Vzdyt rikam ze ji chci.
Jen to chci sjednotit s navstevou u tebe. Kdyz uz se bude naprava sundavat tak at se rovnou nahodi nova.
Jen to chci sjednotit s navstevou u tebe. Kdyz uz se bude naprava sundavat tak at se rovnou nahodi nova.
It is better to live dangerously for 34 years than to be bored for 84 years. (Adelaide Siffert)
On the 7th day GOD created the RWD car just for fun!!
(O)=(O)/ 200SX . \(O)=(O)
Nippon Sangyo 200SX RS133
On the 7th day GOD created the RWD car just for fun!!
(O)=(O)/ 200SX . \(O)=(O)
Nippon Sangyo 200SX RS133
Re: P zadni naprava R33 GTR
akorad me tu prekazi a lezi vni penize
CNC výpalky laser ,plasma a autogen
Re: P zadni naprava R33 GTR
Me tu zase stoji auto ktere ceka na vyvareni u tebe a tu napravu. 
Za tech 5 do ni jdu urcite.
A svoje slovo se snazim drzet.

Za tech 5 do ni jdu urcite.
A svoje slovo se snazim drzet.
It is better to live dangerously for 34 years than to be bored for 84 years. (Adelaide Siffert)
On the 7th day GOD created the RWD car just for fun!!
(O)=(O)/ 200SX . \(O)=(O)
Nippon Sangyo 200SX RS133
On the 7th day GOD created the RWD car just for fun!!
(O)=(O)/ 200SX . \(O)=(O)
Nippon Sangyo 200SX RS133