Diagnostika HICAS

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Diagnostika HICAS

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HICAS Diagnostic Mode
There is a HICAS warning light in the instrument cluster. If it comes, on it is indicative of a problem.

R32: Check the HICAS oil level (power steering reservoir in some models, or a remote reservoir accessible from the boot)

R32 and R33: Check all HICAS electrical connections, and if the light remains on, follow the diagnostic below.

Note that having an aftermarket steering wheel fitted without the appropriate HICAS boss adaptor can also cause the HICAS system to show a fault.
Switch ignition off, transmission in neutral or auto in Park.

Start engine

Very quickly (with a couple of seconds), turn the steering wheel left and right about 20 degrees from centre five times, and then pump the brakes five times, then press the brake pedal once more this will enter diagnostic mode.

Drive forwards or backwards about 5 metres at a speed less than 10km/hr, this will enter full diagnostic mode.

The HICAS light in the instrument cluster will be flashing quickly (for normal) or will flash a code indicating any problems.

Long flash = first digit, short flash = second digit.

Diagnostics will return to normal after five minutes, or any speed over 10km/hr,
or ignition is turned off.

HICAS Diagnostic Codes 1989-1993
1 HICAS solenoid right hand
2 HICAS solenoid left hand
3 Cut off valve
4 Power steering solenoid
5 Vehicle speed sensor
6 Steering angle sensor
7 Neutral position sensor
8 (Auto) Parking brake sensor, (Manual) Clutch sensor
9 (Auto) Inhibitor switch, (Manual) Neutral sensor

HICAS Diagnostic Codes 1993-1999
11 HICAS control unit
12 HICAS motor power supply not present
13 HICAS motor output not present
21 Vehicle speed sensor not present
22 Steering angle sensor not present
23 Steering angle sensor neutral or not present
24 Rear main sensor input not present
25 Rear sub sensor input not present
31 Parking brake sensor input not present
32 (Auto) Inhibitor switch input not present; (Manual) Neutral switch input not present
33 Engine speed signal not present

This information from "The Sky Is The Limit, A Book Of Skyline Stuff"
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Re: Diagnostika HICAS

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a do kterého tématu to chceš přeložit? :D
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Re: Diagnostika HICAS

Příspěvek od Fizzbiker »

sejkora píše:Bude nekdo tak hodnej a prelozi to? Dekuju...

HICAS Diagnostic Mode
There is a HICAS warning light in the instrument cluster. If it comes, on it is indicative of a problem.
kontrolka se rozsviti kdyz je nekde problem
R32: Check the HICAS oil level (power steering reservoir in some models, or a remote reservoir accessible from the boot)
zkontrolujte hladinu oleje dle modelu nadobku posilovače nebo vzdalenou nadezku pristupnou z boot??
R32 and R33: Check all HICAS electrical connections, and if the light remains on, follow the diagnostic below.
zkontrolujte veškeré elektricke spoje a kdyz to furt sviti nasledujte diagnosticky postup
Note that having an aftermarket steering wheel fitted without the appropriate HICAS boss adaptor can also cause the HICAS system to show a fault.
Switch ignition off, transmission in neutral or auto in Park.

Start engine
nastartujte motor
Very quickly (with a couple of seconds), turn the steering wheel left and right about 20 degrees from centre five times, and then pump the brakes five times, then press the brake pedal once more this will enter diagnostic mode.
velmi rychle (v nekolika vterinach) otočte volantem vlevo a v pravo o 20° ze stredu pětkrát a pětkrat zašlápněte brzdu pak zmačkněte brzdu jeste jednou a tim vstoupite do diag modu
Drive forwards or backwards about 5 metres at a speed less than 10km/hr, this will enter full diagnostic mode.
Popojedte dopredu nebo dozadu cca 5metru rychlostí menší než 10KM/H takto vstoupíte do plného diagnostickeho modu
The HICAS light in the instrument cluster will be flashing quickly (for normal) or will flash a code indicating any problems.
kontrolka instrument clusteru bude blikat rychle (normal) a nebooo bude vyblikavat chyby
Long flash = first digit, short flash = second digit.
klasika jako u kazdyho jinyho nissanu kratkej blik prvni cislice dlouhej blik druha
Diagnostics will return to normal after five minutes, or any speed over 10km/hr,
or ignition is turned off.
z modu vypadnes bud po 5minutach nebo prekrocenim rychlosti 10kmh a nebo vypnutim klíčku...

HICAS Diagnostic Codes 1989-1993
1 HICAS solenoid right hand pRAVEJ solenoid
2 HICAS solenoid left hand levej
3 Cut off valve odpínací ventil
4 Power steering solenoid solenoid posilovače
5 Vehicle speed sensor snimac rychlosti
6 Steering angle sensor sensor natoceni volantu??
7 Neutral position sensor spinac neutralu
8 (Auto) Parking brake sensor, (Manual) Clutch sensor pozični senzor parkingu připadne spojky u MT
9 (Auto) Inhibitor switch, (Manual) Neutral sensor inhibit spinac nebo neutral

HICAS Diagnostic Codes 1993-1999
11 HICAS control unit ridici jednotka hicasu
12 HICAS motor power supply not present neni napětí na motorku hicasu
13 HICAS motor output not present vystupy z motoru? (motorek nefunguje nereaguje\??)
21 Vehicle speed sensor not present snimac rychlosti není
22 Steering angle sensor not present snimac natoceni volantu není
23 Steering angle sensor neutral or not present není
24 Rear main sensor input not present neni hlavni zadni snimač
25 Rear sub sensor input not present kontrolni (vedlejsi) zadni snimac neni
31 Parking brake sensor input not present neni kontrolni spinač ručky
32 (Auto) Inhibitor switch input not present; (Manual) Neutral switch input not present taky nejsou...
33 Engine speed signal not present taky není

This information from "The Sky Is The Limit, A Book Of Skyline Stuff"

staci to takhle??
:bootyshake: :bootyshake: :bootyshake: :bootyshake: :bootyshake: :bootyshake: :bootyshake:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Diagnostika HICAS

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Re: Diagnostika HICAS

Příspěvek od Fizzbiker »

mam u tebe pivo... :)
:bootyshake: :bootyshake: :bootyshake: :bootyshake: :bootyshake: :bootyshake: :bootyshake:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Diagnostika HICAS

Příspěvek od sejkora »

Fizzbiker píše:mam u tebe pivo... :)
klidne, pres leto mam toceny stav se:)
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