The Driver don't pick the car...The car'll pick the Driver
That's a mystical bond between Man and Machine
My ride: Walbro 255l/h, Garrett T25G A/R. 80 & A/R .64, HKS Adjustable Actuator @ 1 bar, Front Mount Intercooler, Braided Oil Hose, BRaided Water Hoses, HD Stage 2 Chip, FreeFlow Exhaust with TypeX BackBox, KN air filter, Apex - Forge Recirculation Blow-Off Valve, NGK BCPR7ES, New OEM Nissan Lambda, Head after Rebuild - (Ported, Brand New OEM Nissan Valves ('51' Intake) 'n exhaust Valves 'n valve stem oil seals), OEM Nissan Head Gasket, OEM Nissan Exhaust Gaskets, Apex Electric Fan, [Gauges: Water Temp, Oil Temp, Oil Pressure, Boost, Volts], Adjustable Tension Rods with UniBall, Brand new OEM Wishbones, s14 VLSD, Sparco belts, silicon hoses... and tons of refurbishing, polishing and repainting in engine bay and many other bits...
teda na muj vkus hnus! vyfuk, kola, svetla... a cena...
Nissan Skyline R33 GTS-T Mspec2 スカイライン
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.hpc-performance.comPerformance Japanese Car Parts for you...
teda na muj vkus hnus! vyfuk, kola, svetla... a cena...
no taky si myslim ze top stav vypada jinak - nezastriklej lem, na fotakch sou videt skrabance, a zrejme i nejaky ten dulek, predsni svetla sou hnus ty kolotoče v interieru radsi nekomentuju, a ani to na focenu neumyl...
Gelo píše:TORB vyzera good len sa mi daoc nezda preco tak lacno a tie km
nevim co se ti na tech km je u vetsiny rb motoru z roku 93 bezne a "lacno" tak vtip dobrej no
Nissan Skyline R33 GTS-T Mspec2 スカイライン
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.hpc-performance.comPerformance Japanese Car Parts for you...
Jen pro vazne zajemce co chceji auto za 109 a kupovat novy motor. Majitel si mysli ze ma doma zlato, v motoru prej byl ustipnuty ventyl a oprava stala 6000Kc , po nastartovani to klepe vic nez jednickovy golf diesel. Kolik to zere olej? MOc ne tak necely litr na 100km. Ale jinak to auto jede perfektne za to vam rucim.