P: filtr Apexi na CA18DET
P: filtr Apexi na CA18DET
Apexi 800kč

Zelené peklo - všichni tam jednou musíme...
Anybody who says they enjoy the Nürburgring is either lying or isn't driving fast enough - J. Stewart
Anybody who says they enjoy the Nürburgring is either lying or isn't driving fast enough - J. Stewart
Re: P: Boost controller DW + budík boost RaidHP + filtr Apexi
Zelené peklo - všichni tam jednou musíme...
Anybody who says they enjoy the Nürburgring is either lying or isn't driving fast enough - J. Stewart
Anybody who says they enjoy the Nürburgring is either lying or isn't driving fast enough - J. Stewart
Re: P: Boost controller DW + budík boost RaidHP + filtr Apexi
Co das misto boostu? Kdyz tak mi ho nechej i s MBC. Nejak to vykompenzujem.
Re: P: Boost controller DW + budík boost RaidHP + filtr Apexi
OK. Uz misto nej mam tu teplotu vody a uz jsem asi i vykoumal jak zapojit cidlovmille píše:Co das misto boostu? Kdyz tak mi ho nechej i s MBC. Nejak to vykompenzujem.

Zelené peklo - všichni tam jednou musíme...
Anybody who says they enjoy the Nürburgring is either lying or isn't driving fast enough - J. Stewart
Anybody who says they enjoy the Nürburgring is either lying or isn't driving fast enough - J. Stewart
Re: P: Boost controller DW + budík boost RaidHP + filtr Apexi
Ja zapomel ze mas krasny prehledny EBC.
Re: P: filtr Apexi na CA18DET
Zelené peklo - všichni tam jednou musíme...
Anybody who says they enjoy the Nürburgring is either lying or isn't driving fast enough - J. Stewart
Anybody who says they enjoy the Nürburgring is either lying or isn't driving fast enough - J. Stewart