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Masakr je jak v druhem kole vyrovna takovy dost necekany smyk
„ At the begining I looked around and could not find quite a car I dreamed off. Small light-weight sports car which used power efficiently. So I decided to build it by myself“ Ferry Porsche
Moje video ze severní smyčky Nurburgringu. Už jsem to tu kdysi dával, ale teď je to konečně na youtube, takže kdo neviděl, mrkněte
Zelené peklo - všichni tam jednou musíme...
Anybody who says they enjoy the Nürburgring is either lying or isn't driving fast enough - J. Stewart
Pekny video, ja tam stejne nemuzu jet protoze kdyz vidim ty auta co tam jsou na prakovisti tak az bych to tam videl nazivo tak by to tam se mnou seklo
„ At the begining I looked around and could not find quite a car I dreamed off. Small light-weight sports car which used power efficiently. So I decided to build it by myself“ Ferry Porsche
„ At the begining I looked around and could not find quite a car I dreamed off. Small light-weight sports car which used power efficiently. So I decided to build it by myself“ Ferry Porsche