Hodne formulek melo tyto motory, asi z Hondy S2000...
Jedna lahůdka, 911 993 GT2
„ At the begining I looked around and could not find quite a car I dreamed off. Small light-weight sports car which used power efficiently. So I decided to build it by myself“ Ferry Porsche
„ At the begining I looked around and could not find quite a car I dreamed off. Small light-weight sports car which used power efficiently. So I decided to build it by myself“ Ferry Porsche
„ At the begining I looked around and could not find quite a car I dreamed off. Small light-weight sports car which used power efficiently. So I decided to build it by myself“ Ferry Porsche
jj taky me ty fotky serou. Ale uplodovat to znovu se mi fakt nechce...mozna nekdy kdyz bych mel nejaky zbytecny cas...
„ At the begining I looked around and could not find quite a car I dreamed off. Small light-weight sports car which used power efficiently. So I decided to build it by myself“ Ferry Porsche
tu eccu sem viděl kdysi na živo, při plným kotly na okruhu někde... teď sem si to připoměl a okamžitě mi začal běhat mráz po zádech, tohle je nádherný auto, a ten zvuk je špičkovej.
DragonART píše:tu eccu sem viděl kdysi na živo, při plným kotly na okruhu někde... teď sem si to připoměl a okamžitě mi začal běhat mráz po zádech, tohle je nádherný auto, a ten zvuk je špičkovej.
bohuzel kvuli jenomu ridici Ferrari ktery dostal smyk a zkrizil Tatrovce cestu ma ted tatrovka rozbity cumak. A hnute uchyceni leveho predniho kola
„ At the begining I looked around and could not find quite a car I dreamed off. Small light-weight sports car which used power efficiently. So I decided to build it by myself“ Ferry Porsche
„ At the begining I looked around and could not find quite a car I dreamed off. Small light-weight sports car which used power efficiently. So I decided to build it by myself“ Ferry Porsche