Mimochodem víte že PORSCHE je dalo by se říct české auto?
Zakladatel Ferdinand Porsche se narodil v ČR ve Vratislavicích má tam dokonce svůj památník.
„ At the begining I looked around and could not find quite a car I dreamed off. Small light-weight sports car which used power efficiently. So I decided to build it by myself“ Ferry Porsche
Já to vím, a společně Designerem (schválně sem napsal velke D protože to byla moje modla ) Václavem Králem vytvořili dalo by se říc nynější tvary porsche, myslím tím ten model 1:1 ze dřeva (pokud se pamatuju byl to dub nebo něco takoveho) a teď mi sakra vypadlo co to bylo za model
„ At the begining I looked around and could not find quite a car I dreamed off. Small light-weight sports car which used power efficiently. So I decided to build it by myself“ Ferry Porsche
„ At the begining I looked around and could not find quite a car I dreamed off. Small light-weight sports car which used power efficiently. So I decided to build it by myself“ Ferry Porsche