Naposledy upravil(a) 935Baby dne 28.02.2008, 20:16, celkem upraveno 2 x.
„ At the begining I looked around and could not find quite a car I dreamed off. Small light-weight sports car which used power efficiently. So I decided to build it by myself“ Ferry Porsche
Kopriw píše:neco jako deformacni zona kdyz na to nalitnes telem
jj vetsinou se tam nalitne celem
Tady je fotka náby Momo ktera má kolapsibilni zonu ... to jsou takove ty čtyři plechové přícky
Ta naba HKB Sports ma cele telo odlite z hlinikove slitiny...
„ At the begining I looked around and could not find quite a car I dreamed off. Small light-weight sports car which used power efficiently. So I decided to build it by myself“ Ferry Porsche
no, jestli nalitnes telem na volant, tak pasy projektoval nejaky lempl :-D
seriove volanty maji mekky venect, sportovni sou tvrde a pri bouracce si zlames zapesti kdyz nepustis volant. takze kdyz se neohne volant, tak se ohne naba.
predpokladam ze to chces poslat postou? Takze mi posli pres soukromou zpravu kontakty a nekdy po 25. únoru bych to poslal klasicky postou na dobírku.
„ At the begining I looked around and could not find quite a car I dreamed off. Small light-weight sports car which used power efficiently. So I decided to build it by myself“ Ferry Porsche
JJ ma ji zamluvenou areuratty, pokud by si to rozmyslel tak s tebou pocitam.
„ At the begining I looked around and could not find quite a car I dreamed off. Small light-weight sports car which used power efficiently. So I decided to build it by myself“ Ferry Porsche